Winner! Winner! Winner! Glue trap that worked!

Ok, ok, I’ll admit it: we have unwanted pests in the house that ate the fortune cookies and fried wonton noodles that I saved for I don’t know what reason in the flatware drawer. I found the wrappers only; they didn’t even leave me the fortunes (I think that’s why I really saved them – for a chuckle on a dreary day). Anyway, I went to our local hardware store in Weston Center and the guy recommended this one. He claimed that it really works. I was skeptical because it looks like something I would find at a $1 store, but instead I shelled out $6.99 for it. I mean, look at the picture of this mouse! It’s not fancy packaging, either. It’s from Brooklyn, NY. Interesting, right? When I showed it to my husband, we were both laughing so hard. I put a chunk of Cabot’s cheese onto both traps and placed one where it ate into my sack of potatoes and the other in the utility room. Wouldn’t you know, it got one in the utility room. I didn’t look at it, but apparently the field mouse tried to bite through the plastic to try to escape. Ok, worth the $7 bucks now!

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